Spring Update

Spring has Sprung ………..

And so has seasonal allergies. There are some things you can do to reduce the amount of pollen that brings on allergic reactions.
1.    Go shoeless at home to be rid of the pollen that collects on your shoes.
2.   Wash your hair before bedtime so pollen won’t rub off on your pillow.
3.   Close the windows and use air conditioning to keep pollen counts down in the house.
4.   Recirculate the air in your car instead of the vent to keep pollen out of the car.
5.   Change the filters on your air condition or furnace to reduce pollen levels.
6.   Check the humidity level in your home. If your allergies are form mold, you may need a dehumidifier to control air humidity.

It is also the time of year for accidents and injuries to occur. Here are a few tips you can do to minimize the risk of injury and accidents for you and your child:
1.    Stretch before you exercise or engage in sports.
2.   Make sure you have the appropriate gear for what you are doing, like helmets for biking, life vests for boating or kneepads for gardening.
3.   Protect your eyes with sunglasses and taking contacts out before swimming.
4.   Use sunscreen and hats to protect against harmful UV rays.
5.   Drink plenty of fluids to keep hydrated.
6.   Use bug repellant to keep biting insects away.

It’s the time of year when ticks begin to come out of hiding and look to feed. There are a few things you can do to prevent them from infecting you with Lyme and other disease:
1.    Wear light colored clothing and tuck pants into your socks after being outside.
2.   Change your clothing and check your body for ticks.
3.   Before cuddling with the dog, perform a tick check.
4.   Keep grass cut low to the ground.
5.   Use insect repellant when you go outside.
6.   If you see a tick, remove it as soon as possible.
7.   If you are unsure of how long the tick has been imbedded in the skin, call your doctor to determine the next best step.

Enjoy the great outdoors and enjoy the nice weather!