Fall 2023


Fall 2023




Maine Law requires students to be fully vaccinated prior to starting the school year. Required Vaccines can be found by clicking the link in the lower right hand corner of this page.


5 doses of DTAP, 4 doses of Polio, 2 doses of MMR and 2 doses of Varicella

7th Grade

All of the above and 1 dose of Tdap and 1 dose of meningococcal

12th Grade

All of the above and #2 meningococcal



Sports physicals should be occurring prior to practices and games. Please make sure that your child is up-to-date. There are a limited number of vouchers for free sports physicals. If cost is an issue, please let your nurse know. 

When your child gets a sports physical exam, please email it to your child’s school nurse:

Traip: Traipnurse@kitteryschools.om

Shapleigh: BBladen@kitteryschools.com



Given the recent rise in wild fires both in the US and in Canada, it is wise to know what the air quality is in your area prior to heading out to do various activities.

Map of Air Quality

For hints on how to keep your family healthy during air quality alerts, please visit the following EPA site: Protect Your Indoor Air



In recent years tick borne illnesses have flourished. With warmer and drier seasons they will continue to flourish in our area. Be sure to do tick checks following outdoor activities, learn how to remove them properly and when to report symptoms that might indicate a tick-born illness.

Ticks and what you need to know