Health Update September 2014

Enterovirus D68
Recent news headlines have identified a virus currently circulating in the mid-western states called Enterovirus D68, often called EV 68.  This virus is primarily known for producing respiratory symptoms, similar to that seen with rhinoviruses (like the common cold), although in some cases it can be severe enough to require hospitalization.
For most kids (and adults) this will likely prove little more than a nasty `cold’ or virus.  But in a small percentage of cases, it can turn severe, and so parents need to pay particular attention this fall, especially if your child also has any chronic respiratory issues such as asthma.

Preventative measures:
  • Get your flu shot (no, it won’t prevent EV 68, but it could help prevent a dual flu - Enterovirus infection).
  • Keep your child home if they are sick, particularly with an elevated temperature & obtain consultation from your health care provider. 
  • Avoid contact with those who are sick.
  • Practice good `flu hygiene’  (cover coughs & sneezes with your elbow).
  • Avoid touching your face, mouth, and eyes with unwashed hands.  
  • Wash your hands often.
The ticks are out and plentiful this year here in southern Maine. Identifying the type of tick is important as well as how to prevent them from biting you. Click on the link below to help with identifying a tick and if you should worry about disease transmission. 


The CDC has concluded that pediculosis, often called lice, is not a health concern, but more of a nuisance. Lice can be a huge inconvenience and expensive in terms of work or school days missed. Research shows that at any given time, children between the ages of 5 and 6 have a 1% infestation rate.

We ask that you check your child’s head at least monthly and if any louse or nit (egg) is found to treat them as soon as possible. Please click on the link below or put it into your browser to see images and learn how to treat lice if they occur.