Drugs can be dropped off at the Kittery Police Station any day of the week at any time. Other locations are as follows:
Berwick Police Department, 20 Wilson St, Berwick
Eliot Police Department, 27 Dixon Rd, Eliot
Kittery Police Department, 200 Rogers Rd, Kittery
North Berwick Police Department, 21 Main St, North Berwick
Ogunquit Police Department, 20 Cottage St, Ogunquit
South Berwick Community Center, 71 Norton St, South Berwick
York Hospital in Wells, 114 Sanford Rd, Wells
York Hannaford, 9 Hannaford Drive, York

Spring Has Sprung!
With changes in the weather, come changes in how we move about our environment and how our bodies respond to these changes and the various activities we engage in.

Allergies can be downright difficult to deal with sometimes. Knowing what or when your allergies will bother you can help you to prevent them from getting out of hand. If possible, avoid what you are allergic to. Consult with your health care provider about taking antihistamines to control symptoms. Wash your hands frequently and take shoes off when entering your home. Changing your clothes after a prolonged period of being outside can reduce pollen in your house. Use saline nasal spray to rinse out your nose periodically throughout the day.

The sun does feel good after a long winter. Enjoy it as often as you can to get healthy doses of Melatonin naturally. It helps your body rest better at night. Make sure to use plenty of sunscreen to avoid harmful UV rays. An SPF of 30 or higher is recommended.